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good game


Please port to steam


how do you play


A suggestion i have is that maybe you could invest in the ability to send ai bloons,for a hefty price, you could send certain bloons at the beginning of a round to distract youre opponent


I have a few ideas, you should add a third menu category, Make it bloon properties and then you could add stuff like shield bloons, lead bloons, purple bloons or camo bloons. i also think there should a secret that makes you a ddt, like if you had 100 Moab hp so you are a full Moab, then have 28 normal hp because d is the 4th letter of the alphabet, 2 d's ant and a t = 28, and you also have camo and lead, you become a DDT and as a bonus get DDT speed.

Next suggestion: I think you could make it so like through certain methods you could upgrade road items, like corrosive or Moab glue, or white hot spikes, and pls add pineapple bomb, and make its upgrade the cherry bomb pls.

Suggestion Three: This is a bit of a stretch, but maybe collab with the person/persons who made bloons fps, and make it a versus match, between the player wo fights themselves and the sentient bloon, who can use all sorts of gadgets to attack.

Suggestion four: Add more monkeys, the ones i think would work best are, buccaneer, village, and farm.

Suggestion 5: I think that you should make a custom map, and in it have a secret path that can only be unlocked by puzzles, and on the inside make some special parkour with some sort of secret or reward on the end, this is one of the ways you could unlock the things in S2.

All and all these are some suggestions but i will be happy with (Almost) anything in the coming updates.


does anyone still play this game


is this for mac aswell

Hey guys, for anyone confused on how to download this game, I made a video on it:


Does the game still receive updates?


You cant Use it on mobile


How do you download it on mobile😡


This game is not for mobile


How do you play it



is there console cmds?

(1 edit) (-2)

how much does sun avatar cost in multiplayer

I need help starting the game.


you have to unzip the file first and then you can play it

Do I have the file's consent to unzip it?


(1 edit)

i new the problem with the people who can't get in.First you instal the zip as normal.Then you go the thing called "baloons but you are the bloon"NOT with the unity logo and you extract all. Theh you go in what you just extracted and there should be it.If it doesn't work i dunno.

when another update

its sad that no bads or bosses were ever added or anything above a t3 for multiplayer


i was streaming it and than bad things was 

warning it has a virus 


I was watching the stream and I saw it happen, they said racist things to try and take the stream down

will there be a update where you can be a monkey in single player

I think this game was cancelled


How are you able to play

I have ideas for things that could get added,

add controller support.

for bloon upgrades you'd be able to become the bad, you'll be much slower but as a trade-off you cannot be stunned and you become twice as resistant to damage. there could be a camo ability that camo-ifies you, and you lose the camo if you take a certain amount of damage. An ability that works like the camo one but you become lead instead. and the last ability would make you summon 3 AI DDTs that have a fully formed camo ceramic inside them, and if they reach the end you're given a speed boost that can stack up to all three DDTs to prevent these from breaking the early game, these new abilities are locked until certain rounds, camo unlocks at round 5, lead unlocks at 10, and ddts unlock at 20.

I also have ideas for three new gamemodes,

Deflation gives you a set amount of money and you cant get more, apopalypse removes safe zone and the AI gets passive income so you have to be fast, and impoppable lasts till round 40, you get no extra lives, and the boss is the VTSG instead of a regular TSG.

There could also be abilities that the monkey player or AI could use, and I'm adding level 3 towers for them, so I'll get to the abilities when I get to the upgrade.

level 3 upgrades:

Dart - a sharp shooter crossbow with the previous upgrades triple darts

Bomb - Moab assassin with cluster bombs, the first ability so far, the clusters don't do extra moab damage as that'd be to op

Tack - A blade shooter with the maelstorm ability

Ice - A cryo cannon with the arctic wind

Glue - Moab Glue

Ace - Spectre plane

Super Monkey - Tech Terror

Engineer - Overclock ability, turns the game into a birds eye view to boost any tower on the map

Ideas for 8 new towers

Boomerang, if you can't make it work like a 0-0-0 boomer, then give it the kylie boomer

Level 2 - glaive richochet

Level 3 - Moab press x richochet (3-0-4)

Sniper, level 1 has night vision goggles

Level 2 - Large Caliber

Level 3 - Full Auto

Submarine, has advanced intel at level 1

Level 2 - Heat-tipped darts

Level 3 - First strike ability

Buccaneer, another water tower, has crows nest at level 1

Level 2 - Hot shots

Level 3 - Cannon ship x merchantman (0-3-3)

Dartling gunner, has target independence but only changes direction if you're close enough

Level 2 - Laser Shock

Level 3 - Rocket Storm

Ninja, this should be added with the camo ability

Level 2 - Counter Espionage, removes camo in one attack no matter how strong your camo ability is

Level 3 - Sticky Bomb, doesn't damage the regular bloon layer to make moabs still a viable option

Druid, I don't have anything extra to say

Level 2 - Druid of the Jungle, vines can't keep you forever to avoid opness, so they let you go after 3 damage

Level 3 - Druid of the storm with heart of thunder and the vines (3-3-0) and the vines can do 10 damage instead

Alchemist, nothing extra to say for him either

Level 2 - Berserker Brew

Level 3 - Stronger stimulant with the acid pools and perishing potions (4-2-2)

Now let's talk about heroes, originally I thought it'd just be how it is in btd6, but now I have a better idea, if you're the monkey, you get to directly control the heroes and you have five upgrades, upgrades 1 3 and 5 increase your power in different ways, while upgrades 2 and 4 give you new abilities, however the upgrades will be pretty expensive, you can also lock onto the bloon for combat, let's talk about the ideas I have for them

Quincy, can shoot an arrow once every second, and he only does 0.25 damage because a moving tower tower that you start with doing any more than that would be too overpowered.

Upgrade 1 - Does 1 damage and his arrows can richochet of thin air up to 2 times if it misses

Upgrade 2 - Rapid shot ability - Removes the arrow cooldown for 6 seconds, so you can do some serious damage if you're a good masher, or have an auto-clicker/turbo controller

Upgrade 3 - can shoot an arrow every half second, and has an explosive arrow every third shot.

Upgrade 4 - Storm of Arrows ability - summons a storm of arrows on the bloon

Upgrade 5 - Arrows explode every shot, and the arrows keep bouncing on thin air until it hits, making it so he actually never misses, and he does 3 damage per shot instead of 1. (keep in mind that tier 5s are like 20K expensive)

Gwendoline, use the flamethrower once every 1.75s for 0.5 damage, can pop lead without upgrades, burn effect only does 0.25 instead of 1

Upgrade 1 - Cooldown 1 second and can hold mouse instead of mashing

Upgrade 2 - Volatile Cocktail - works like in btd6 but with a longer cooldown

Upgrade 3 - does 2 damage per shot

Upgrade 4 - The level 10 ability that I forgot the name of

Upgrade 5 - attack cooldown reduced to 1 shot every 0.10s

Obyn, his attack cooldown is 2.5s and his attacks hit 3 times for 0.30 damage each, has an excusive tower the natures ward totem, it buffs nearby towers and upgrading it makes the buff stronger

Upgrade 1 - the attacks hit 4 times

Upgrade 2 - Brambles - unchanged

Upgrade 3 - 1 damage and 2 second cooldown for attacking

Upgrade 4 - Wall of Trees - make it take less damage or smth

Upgrade 5 - 2 damage hits 3 times and has 1 second cooldown for attacks

Adora, Shoots three of her divine bolts with a damage of 0.25 and a cooldown 1.7s

Upgrade 1 - Attack cooldown reduced to 1.2s and

Upgrade 2 - Blood Sacrifice - turns the game into a birds-eye view where you can choose a tower to sacrifice for a buff, the better the tower, the stronger the buff will be

Upgrade 3 - Shoots 4 divine bolts, does 1 damage, and cooldown reduced to 0.85s

Upgrade 4 - Ball of light - summon a ball of light which shoots a laser at the bloon if it's close by which has 5 dps

Upgrade 5 - shoots 5 divine bolts, attack cooldown reduced to 0.4s, does 3 damage, and Blood Sacrifice buffs are twice as strong.

5 new map ideas,

Spice Islands - a water map for the new water towers, he said he struggled to make it look good, but it really doesn't need to look perfect

Logs - the original idea was to have leaves block the paths and have them swirl to the other part of the track once you reach the end of the first half, and then I had another idea to move the exit to the other side of the map, and make it so you can take many possible routes to the exit, I like both the ideas so either of them could get added in this hypothetical

Tree Stump - add a similar mechanic to logs where it blocks off certain parts of the path until a certain point in the track

Winter Park - Would add nice variety to the aesthetic

Rake - would mix up the gameplay with two paths instead of one, how multiple paths would work is while in a safe zone, you can teleport between the safe zones at the beginning of the tracks

however I don't think any of this will be added as it seems there won't be anything added in the foreseeable future

Thank you for wasting your time reading this essay of a comment, you deserve a cookie!


please add were we can be the monkey

Deleted 80 days ago

there needs to be a way to be the monkey in single player




how do you even play if i try it says unityplayer.lll was not found try reinstalling i did that like 20 times help

hi bruh how did i find you on if you see thid call me 

make this playable on the website pls, im on chromebook


Nvm, i don't care if you don't update that




Nvm i got it downloaded finall


yo can you upload this to the app? my website download speed sucks so i can only download it on the app

if your wondering how i got the app with my crap browser speed it took like 45 minutes to get it installed

ha ha ha


hi mom

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